11 Steps in Planning and Promoting a Training Program
1. Identify and confirm need
Triggering event: a problem in the organisation, failure to meet targets, new initiatives or legislation, changes to current policy or procedures.
Action: Initial investigation into whether it is a real training need. This may end up being continued into step 4 eg., if it is a new initiative all affected staff will require training. What is the client group - could be the whole organisation, or a specific work area/team.
2. Develop program Goal and Objectives
Action: What will be the measurable, observable results for the organisation?
3. Identify or develop competence standards.
Action: use existing national standards wherever possible or develop using internal standards, job descriptions, task analysis etc.
Consult and Confirm
4. Needs Analysis and Learner Profiles
Action: Identify the specific skills gap for each learner or group of learners and a profile of their situation and requirements.
5. Develop Program outline and Learning Outcomes
Action: Determine the number and structure of sessions to achieve Program goals and meet learner needs. Write Learning Outcome for each session - they should build on each other as the program progresses.
Consult and Confirm
6. Research existing resources
Action: Internal or External courses, training packages, resources, training material, assessment tools etc.
7. Select and plan appropriate: delivery approaches, activities, assessment methods
Action: This is your learning strategy. Include any non-training approaches (eg. self-directed projects or mentoring).
8. Prepare and document session plans
Action: Use your task analysis and the skills, knowledge and attitudes information to sequence.
9. Develop aids, resources, etc.
Action: Remember various learning styles
10: Inform relevant personnel and organise learner support.
Action: Who needs to know and participate to make the program effective, eg. Team Leaders.
11 Promote the program
Mike Hitchen
Mike Hitchen Consulting