Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Goodnight from Sydney

It's almost Christmas and as you can see, my local suburb has once again spared no expense to provide shoppers in one the most expensive shopping areas in Sydney, with festive cheer.

However, don't consider these photos to be the norm. No Siree. Previous Christmas decorations were never as lavish as this. What's that noise I hear? Ah, it's New York, London and Paris shaking in awe of such Christmas splendour.

Yes, you are right - it does slope. I have been here 13 years and it has always been the same. We believe in tradition in this fine suburb.

Oh yes. If you are looking for the rest of the Christmas decorations, we also have an inflatable Santa Claus on the awning above the butcher shop. At least I think it is still there. Last time I saw it, Santa was hanging on like grim death by one leg while being buffeted by the wind. If you should see Santa flying through the air on Christmas Eve, it may not necessarily be an optical illusion or wishful thinking.

One thing about my suburb, it is a classless society. In fact, sometimes it is hard to find any class at all.

Wherever you may be - be safe - and please be tolerant.