Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Goodnight from Sydney

This year, despite what anyone else may say is correct - I am going to bloody well have Christmas.

I am not going to have a Holiday Tree, I am going to have a good old Christmas Tree. Nor will I give up singing Christmas carols just because it may have the potential to offend someone. If anyone is offended by me enjoying a season I have enjoyed all my life - hard titties.

I am even going to sing, "God rest you merry gentlemen" and not "Rest you happy gentlepersons" (remembering of course to omit the word God).

Another thing. Since when has Merry Christmas become Happy Christmas? I don't care how many times it is explained to me that "Happy" is preferable to "Merry", I don't bloody well like it. No "Happy festive season" or "happy holiday season" for me - it will be the same as it has always been, "Merry Christmas"!

While I am having a good old moan - Christmas cards.

The other day I was looking for a special card for Mel, my fiancee. Do you think I could find a decent card with the word "fiancee"? Nope!
I could have had, "Partner" "Significant Other" "Better Half" (Gawd love us) and wait for it...."Love Partner".

Love Partner! I refuse to send my fiancee a greeting that sounds like the title of a James Brown song or name of an escort agency!

Yes, I am a miserable old git - and I am darn well proud to be!!! Look out, we are on the march. A slow march with a few sit downs for a nice cup of tea, but a march all the same!

Wherever you may be - be safe!