Saturday, December 17, 2005

Goodnight from Sydney

Only two more days of posts before "i On Global Trends" closes for Christmas. We will however, be back in action Tuesday Dec 27, Sydney time. I had intended the blog to stay open right up until Christmas Eve, but circumstances unfortunately dictated otherwise!


About tonight's photo.

For some time, I have thought it might be a good idea to take a series of photos that give an impression of how people see things when going about their everyday business. Of course the problem with that sort of concept is that a good idea doesn't indicate the ability to pull it off! However, I gave it my best shot.

I call this photo "Reflections 536" which sounds very chique and trendy:). It was taken while sitting on the 536 bus from Chatswood to Lane Cove. I have always been fascinated by the way this particular shop window reflects things so clearly.

I think the young girl siting next to me must have thought I was a bit of a loony taking a photo of an ordinary furniture shop through the dirty window of a moving bus, but of course, not all of us have an artistic bent!

Till tomorrow...

...Wherever you may be - be safe!