Friday, January 20, 2006

Advertising: Complaint against Australian lamb ad dismissed

In a world where political correctness all too often kicks common sense out the window, it is nice to see that Australia's Advertising Standards Bureau, has unanimously dismissed complaints against a brilliant TV ad for Australian lamb.

The ad set against a backdrop of Australian kitsch, such as boxing kangaroos, mostly takes pot shots at certain Australianisms. However, that did not stop a number of Englishmen objecting to references to Australian cricketers sending lurid text messages to English "trollops," or Buddhists who felt the ad would breed hatred towards vegetarians.

Of course, parents had to have their say, whining on about the liberal use of swear words such as "wanker" and "bugger all". Oh dear, poor little Jason and Kylie will need a guidance counsellor and support group if they hear everyday language - poor little darlings.

A female member of the Advertising Standards Bureau, said: "Real Australian values are not about taking us that seriously … It's sending up the whole idea of overly pompous patriotism."

A link to the ad can be seen here