Friday, January 13, 2006

Gas: Moldova seeks to lessen dependence on Russia.

Moldova is looking for alternative gas supplies to make the country less dependent on Russia. As well as talking to Gazprom, Moldova is also negotiating with Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and other countries.

One possibility is the Nabucco project - a gas pipeline along the Black Sea floor supplying gas from Central Asia and the Caspian basin to Europe. Armenia, Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Austria are participating in the project.

In March 2005, The Energy Information Administration, reported -

"Moldova has no natural gas resources and is entirely dependent on Russia to meet its consumption (78 Bcf in 2002). Russia's gas monopoly, Gazprom, has reduced supplies to Moldova in recent years as a result of the country's delinquent debt. Moscow has suggested that Moldova surrender its oil, gas and electricity assets to Russia in exchange for a debt write-off. In June 2004, Gazprom also announced plans to stop natural gas supplies to Moldova's break-away republic of Trans-Dniester until its debt to the Russian company has been addressed."