Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo is the last in the series taken during my Boxing Day walk. In my original post I mentioned that this beautiful bay is only a short walk from me - and yet - I haven't been there for years.

For 25 years I lived in Cardiff, Wales, and for four of those years I worked right opposite Cardiff Castle. Although I walked through the extensive grounds many, many times and have happy childhood memories of those walks, I only once went inside the castle.

I have travelled pretty extensively and seen most of the world's major tourist attractions (although in later years I avoided them like the plague), yet things that are close by and which others would travel to see, I never seem to get round to visiting.

I guess many of us are like that, we will spend time and money to see things that may not even be as attractive as those on our own doorsteps. The principle applies not only to tourist attractions, but also in life, business and politics.

What you are looking for, may be just around the corner, something that is taken fro granted. Sometimes all it needs is to be a tourist.

Wherever you may be - be safe