And here it is! (you can click to see it full size). If you look closely you can even see the toxins in our Sydney water.
I found it hard to choose an appropriate title that would adequately describe the powerful, yet subtle symbolism. Notice the twists and turns as the stream heads towards its destination - a journey controlled by an outside force. In the end and after careful deliberation, I decided to call it "Water running from my kitchen tap."
I am sure many camera buffs will want to know what settings I used - and so would I! I took about 30 shots, altering the settings each time - and of course completely lost track.
I do know I had my kitchen light turned off but the woman across the road was washing dishes and had hers turned on. I have no idea what she was doing washing dishes at that time of night, but she's a funny woman if you know what I mean.
According to my camera software program, these were the settings -
Tv (Shutter Speed ) 1/60 Av (Aperture Value ) 7.1 Flash On.
That means bugger all to me as it does not correspond to anything on my camera. I do know I used a film speed of 50 and 400. No mucking about with things in-between for me!
Wherever you may be - be safe!