Thursday, January 12, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

After last night's post describing my local suburb, I have been inundated with complaints from local residents. OK - make that resident. You know the sort, you name it they will complain it, and the older they get, the more they turn whining into an art form. Not to put too fine a point on it - my mother.

"What did you want to go and write something like that for in your bog?"

"It's blog mother - with an L"

"I'll give you L if you do that again - what were you thinking off?"

"Advertising revenue. People all over the world searching for Lane Cove, then clicking on the ads."

"They know me in the shops."

That's true. They know her on the buses as well, that's why the route's been changed recently - after the drivers' went on strike.

"I wont be able to show my face in the shops again."

Looks like I will be a local hero after all!


Tonight's photo is again of my local shopping area - one that has special memories for me.

On the left hand side of the photo, you will see a line of restaurants. A little further along, sadly out of shot, is the restaurant where Mel and I had our first date.

It was the Sunday before Christmas, Mel had arrived from the US about 30 hours before, and we were on our way to our local outdoor Carols By Candlelight. We stopped at a little pizza restaurant, where I introduced Mel to the delight of trying to order a drink here with ice. Two attempts later, Mel succeeded!

It was also where we had our first photo together taken - the first of many more to come!

Till tomorrow...

...Wherever you may be - be safe!