Saturday, January 14, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Once again, all ten posts had to be posted late in the afternoon and early evening - a situation I normally try to avoid. Still, better late than never I suppose!

Another "snapshot" of my local area - waiting for the bus! Don't say I fail to deliver quality art on this blog. I must admit, I like our local bus stops - when I am not actually waiting for the damn bus to arrive. Some can look very "rustic" when viewed from afar and many have a "village" atmosphere. Stand at a bus stop in my suburb and soon someone will start talking to you.

This particular bus stop is about 75 yards from me and during week-days is the "bingo bus stop" where the senior citizens wait for the bus to take them a little further up the road to a local bingo session. If you want to hear the local gossip, that's the place to be!

Wherever you may be - be safe