Monday, January 16, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

This photo may not mean much to most but it's something I like to see in Sydney at this time of year. A cool, rainy night. We certainly need the rain - and I definitely need the cool!

I took this photo about half an hour ago from my office window, (I operate from home) and while I admit it is hardly exciting, I lust love seeing greenery that has been bone dry, dripping with rain. I love the sound of the earth as it gobbles up much needed sustenance, the birds warbling softly and contentedly as if they were sharing my thoughts.

What I don't like to hear is the sound of the ambulance as it rushes to the aid of some village idiot who thought they could still go 70mph in the wet. I hope the ambulance is for them - and not an innocent victim of their stupidity.

Till tomorrow...

...Wherever you may be - be safe!