Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Listen to the pouring rain, listen to it poor! Yes I know I posted about rain last night - but gee it is a welcome sight around these here parts!

Of course the photo wouldn't be quite so dramatic if the Body Corporate and Building management who administer my building, would clear out the bloody gutters! Time and again they have been asked to clear the guttering as especially at this time of year, it is a fire hazard. We have our own little eco-system in the gutters which can now be viewed from the other side of the street. Branches reaching from the gutter to meet the sky are a wonder to behold and will soon rival Babylon.

I shouldn't complain though, after all the gutters were last cleared only three years ago. That took a week. It wouldn't normally wouldn't take that long, but the little chappie turned up on Monday and realised his ladder was too short. In fact, it only reached three quarters of the way up the building. So that was it, he packed his dwarf ladder and off he went until the following Monday.

Wherever you may be - be safe!