Thursday, January 26, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Today is Australia Day, a day which the media purveyors of mental candy floss for simple folk, describe as the birth of a nation - Australia's birthday.

Of course, they omit to mention that Australia and its inhabitants were around for millions of years prior to 1788, but why let facts get in the way of nationalistic propaganda - the Americans don't so why should we?

So lets all proudly wave our Chinese made Australian flags, our made in Vietnam cuddly Koalas and sing songs about convicts, suicidal sheep stealers and being girt by sea.

Let's sing with pride the first line of our national anthem - "Australians all let us rejoice," even though many people in Australia are not Australians. Let us sing about "wealth for toil" as long as you remember that as soon as you become wealthy through hard work in this country, the non-achievers will knock you down as soon as look as you. Wealthy through hard work - it's Un-Australian innit mate.

Let's all do things Australian. Lets' phone talk back radio stations and complain about speeding tickets, parking tickets and double demerit points. After all, it's the bleeding governments fault that we drive 70 kph over the speed limit and get caught drink driving.

While we are at it, why not take four days off work to look after the kids, recover from hangovers, check email and surf the web - just like during the working week.

Wherever you may be - be safe!