Friday, January 27, 2006

Security: National Security Archive posts secret Pentagon "roadmap" for "information operations" abroad and at home

The National Security Archive has posted the following documents:

* Secret Pentagon "roadmap" calls for "boundaries" between "information operations" abroad and at home but provides no actual limits as long as US doesn't "target" Americans

* Secret Pentagon "roadmap" calls for "boundaries" between "information operations" abroad and at home but provides no actual limits as long as US doesn't "target" Americans

Several press accounts have referred to the 2003 Pentagon document, but today's posting is the first time the text has been publicly available. Sections of the document relating to computer network attack (CNA) and "offensive cyber operations" remain classified under black highlighting.

Brief outline: "A secret Pentagon "roadmap" on war propaganda, personally approved by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in October 2003, calling for "boundaries" between information operations abroad and the news media at home. but provides for no such limits and claims that as long as the American public is not "targeted," any leakage of PSYOP to the American public does not matter.