Saturday, February 11, 2006

Alcohol: Harder for British under-18s to buy alcohol

According to test purchasing results published by the Home Office, an initiative that paired shopkeepers with the Retail Alcohol Standards Group (RASG), has made ii far harder for British under-18s to buy alcohol.

Figures show that supermarkets were nearly three times more likely to spot an under-age buyer than they were before. Off licences (Bottle shop/liquor shop), also improved and are now twice as likely to spot under-age purchasers.

Gone are the days when on a school cross-country run, myself and my mate popped into the local off licence and bought a bottle of Guinness each. We tucked these into the front of our running shorts for consumption on a river bank..

Our plans were cut short by a female teacher who spotted us, looked at our shorts and made the sort of comment I had no idea female teachers were allowed to make!