Thursday, February 09, 2006

Cults: A Ugandan child speaks words no child should ever have to say - but how many will listen?

In August, I wrote a short article reporting that the International Criminal Court had issued arrest warrants for five leaders of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), a Ugandan cult notorious for raping, maiming and killing children.

Today, publishes an AFP article written by Beatrice Debut, in which a 17 year old girl recounts the terror and abuse she suffered as a child slave for the LRA.

Quotes: "They cut off three (people's) heads and I was forced to use them as stones to hold the saucepan."

"speaking quickly in a non-stop monotone that blurted out a shocking admission of what she was forced to do to another LRA child abductee who attempted to escape. 'I had to bite him until he died,' she said quietly, wringing her hands as she told a reporter of her eight-year ordeal with the rebels."

Full article: Child savagery breeds in Ugandan heart of darkness