Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Isn't it funny how a photo can make you realise that time and tide wait for no man, (sorry - make that "person" just to be on the safe side!).

When I first became familiar with Chatswood, none of the buildings you see in this photo had been built. Not only that, but some of those very same buildings (to the left of the photo) are now being pulled down to make way for new developments. If you look closely at the building on the right hand side, you can see the refection of one of the many cranes that now litter the skyline.

Don't get me wrong, I am certainly not nostalgic about the ever changing suburb - personally I can't stand the bloody place. But it is one of life's ironies that suburbs one would be quite happy to avoid, have some sort of hold on your life - one that keeps pulling you back again and again.

Wherever you may be - be safe!

Nations featured since Jan 24 = 45