In addition to all the tremendous support I have received from fellow bloggers, it is great to see the blog referenced by corporations, NGOs, overseas government departments, and various other organisations. I must say I was pleasantly surprised the other night when I discovered that the blog was mentioned on the website of MSNBC's, "Connected Coast to Coast". Written by senior producer Tony Maciulis, the article mentions this blog in relation to Van Nguyen, who was hanged in Singapore for drug trafficking.
While I appreciate the exposure, part of the article is incorrect. The article claims, "The Australian government, which is opposed to capital punishment, fought the sentencing and threatened a boycott of Singapore." In fact, the Australian government quite rightly, was strongly opposed to any boycott.
It's funny how often I come across incorrect information. One blogger for example seems to think I am anti-John Howard, simply because I disagreed with a particular statement by our Prime Minister.
Of course, the B Grade, armchair amateur analyst, was too lazy to look into things a little deeper. If he had, he would have realised that not only have I stated I quite like John Howard, this blog has openly supported many of his policies.
It seems that to many bloggers, the world is either black or white - no room for shades of grey. I am not anti this, or anti that, I am just anti-bullshit from whichever side it originates. No one party or ideology is right 100 per cent of the time - a fact of life that through ignorance and indoctrination, many bloggers choose to ignore.
The blog has also attracted the attention of a number of companies who wish to advertise on "i On Global Trends", and that is something I will be looking at during the coming weeks.
So, we look forward to the next 2,000 posts!
Wherever you may be - be safe!
Tonight's photo: An experimental version of a street scene in Chatswood, my local suburb. I took a color and a b/w version, but somehow this "doctored" version seems to capture the energy of the moment more than the others.