Thursday, February 09, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

It's not easy to instantly turn from someone standing in line in a supermarket queue, clutching a packet of rice crackers and a sliced loaf while quietly minding your own business - into "The Bogey Man".

Yet, that is exactly what happened to me this afternoon.

Standing behind me in line at the "Quick Checkout" ("Quick" having the same level of reality as "Mission accomplished") was a mum and three monst...children. I guess that statement gives the perception that they were all standing in line - that is not quite correct. Mum was, the kids spent most of the time running around the different aisles, then coming back to ask for something. She was happy to ignore this until they started having the same effect on her as they had been having on others for the last ten minutes.

Mum decided to act.

"Stand still - if you bump into the man in front he will spank you."

Gee, good one mum!

I am not sure at what precise moment I suddenly became responsible for your kids, but it is an office I never sought nor wanted. Couldn't you at least have said, "wait till your father gets home" and let him be the bad guy?

Mind you, it did seem to work. The kids took one look at the stare I gave this alleged mum, and quickly fell silent.

That is not the first time something like that has happened. I was once standing outside the same supermarket when I was approached by a young mum I had never seen in my life. Could I keep an eye on her son while she popped in to the shop quickly she asked. I pointed out that she didnt know me, but she reassured me that I looked "safe". I was gong to point out that to the best of my knowledge, child snatchers aren't in the habit of going around with a flashing neon sign saying, "Rock Spider" but somehow I had a feeling it would be lost on this fine example of parental responsibility.

Instead I enquired if she would ask me to look after her handbag while she went shopping. Immediately she replied, "Of course not."

Make ya think doesn't it.

Wherever you may be - be safe!

Tonight's photo was taken on the way back from my encounter with the Brady Bunch

Nations featured since Jan 24 - 67