Saturday, February 11, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Over the last few days something strange has been going on in my local shops. I have come to believe that they possess some cosmic energy that causes me to be transformed into something I am not.

The other night I described how I became transformed in to a "Bogey Man" while standing in the checkout queue in my local supermarket. Today the same sort of thing happened. This time however...

I became - an American.

Not just an American mind you - an American Goodwill Ambassador to Orstralia.

It's all the fault of my American fiancee. Through her, I have come to support her hometown baseball team. Not only have I joined the supporters club, but she has sent me the teams baseball cap and the teams polo shirt - both of which I wore to go shopping. Add to that the fact I have short cropped hair and was wearing reflective sunglasses, I guess I may have looked like an over-the-hill extra from "Top Gun".

As I was going towards the shop door, I saw an old lady ahead of me heading in the same direction. I overtook her so I could hold the door open for her.

Door in hand I stood, waited and smiled as she passed by. She returned the smile and said,

"You Americans are always so polite."

I wonder if there were a few pairs of World War 2 nylons and candy bars behind that smile!

Wherever you may be - be safe!

Tonight's photo: I have no idea what this flower is called, but it is growing in the gardens surrounding my block of apartments.

Nations featured since Jan 24 - 71