Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

In a courtroom in Bali today, two young Australians received the death sentence for trying to smuggle heroin from Indonesia to Australia.

No doubt the sentences will spark calls for "aggressive campaigns" against the death penalty. High profile people will stage the usual photo-opportunities to publicly announce their heart wrenching despair that in many places, the death penalty is both supported and implemented.

That is what happened after the last Australian was executed. Lawyers and others with a host of letter after their names, declared they would use the execution of Nguyen Tuong Van, to campaign against capital punishment around the world.

Very fine speeches. Very fine indeed.

Since then, not only have other Australians received the death sentence, but a number of high profile executions in the US, have received wide coverage in the Australian media. And where were these fine men with fine speeches? You know, the ones who promised the death of a young man would not be in vain. Perhaps they all decided that the best way to launch an agressive campaign was to remain silent.

Or maybe they were attending the latest black-tie dinner of The Australian Rent-A-Cause-Society.

Wherever you may be - be safe!