Saturday, February 18, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

I hate it when things are "messy," and this week has been particularly "messy." I get the feeling that the blog has been offline more than it has been online, giving it a very, "disjointed" look.

The last few weeks have been a bit rough to say the least, but this afternoon my inbuilt "Health Prediction Program" registered a swing from, "Bugger this for a game of tin soldiers" to "Bring them on."

I am not yet ready to say "Mission Accomplished" as only a complete moron would allow themselves to be identified with such a statement, but hopefully, all things being equal, the blog should be more or less back to normal next week!


Tonight's photo: A couple of weeks ago I looked out of my window, (about 8:10 pm) and everything was fine. Ten minutes later, I looked again and my window ledge was suddenly swarming with these little buggers. Hundreds of them! Where they came from, I have no idea. It had never happened before nor has it happened since. I can tell you though, this photograph could be entitled "dead ant walking."

Wherever you may be - be safe!