Sunday, February 19, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Over the last few months I have introduced you to a selection of wildlife that find their way to my balcony, window ledge, or trees; Charlie the Currawong and Lorrie the Lorikeet for example.

Late this evening I had a new visitor - an owl - Ollie Beak, (that will bring back memories for British readers of a certain age!). At least I think it's an owl, if it's not - well it damn well should be.

I have been here 13 years and this is the first time I have seen an owl settle itself down on the trees in front of my balcony. I grabbed my camera, snapped away and made a discovery.

Ollie mate, you are a very fine owl - but you lack star quality. Where's the pizzazz?

What you need is something to make you stand out a bit more - make you more photogenic. I mean, what is the point of me snapping away, changing this setting and that setting pretending I know what I am doing, when all you do is blend in with the trees.

You don't need to go over the top, maybe a bit of a yellow flash somewhere or a streak of red (red always goes down very well, ask Lorrie The Lorikeet).

I was going to make you a star. Your photo splashed on blogs all over the world. But what can I do!

Ollie - don't call us - we'll call you.

Wherever you may be - be safe

Nations featured since Jan 24 - 78