Maybe it's me, but the sight of an empty beer pack advertising "for a hard earned thirst," sitting on a park picnic table covered in graffiti, appeals to my sense of irony. Especially as I know the crowd who would leave it there would consider getting out of bed a hard earned thirst.
I suppose we all have our own thoughts on what represents "cool". To me, it was always Steve McQueen. I used to ride my push bike up and down the fields outside the little Welsh village where I lived, pretending I was evading the evil Nazis. Of course the fact that I was scared of cows and had to be home for tea if I wanted to avoid a clip round the year, somewhat took the lustre of that fantasy. Fortunately, I was soon to discover other fantasies but we wont go there.
Today however, I came across a new example of "cool". The hapless parachutist.
The poor man was left hanging in a tree 20 metres from a busy CityRail commuter line between Sydney and Wollongong. Three services were delayed by 15 minutes while railway staff made sure the man would not be harmed by passing trains. This photo that I took about 15 months ago from inside a train, will give you a rough idea of the area.
Did he panic? Nope.
According to reports on police radio, he remained cool throughout his ordeal, smoking a cigarette and waving at passing train passengers.
Wherever you may be - be safe!