Friday, February 03, 2006

Government: Democracy - it's written in the stars

Bhutan: King Jigme Singye Wangchuck has delayed plans for bringing greater democracy to the tiny Kingdom, because the stars are not favourable.

The King, who has been trying to bring his kingdom into the modern world, (are you sure you really want to do that your Highness?!) was advised by royal astrologers that the stars will not be favourably placed until 2008 for the country to abandon royal rule.

A referendum on the new constitution will now be put to the country's 700,000 people early in 2008, and if it is passed elections will be held before the end of that year.

The draft keeps the king as the head of state, but parliament -- consisting of two houses, a 75-member National Assembly and a 25-member National Council -- would have the power to impeach him with a two-thirds majority vote.