Thursday, February 02, 2006

International Development: Kenya upset and New Zealand company's offer of 'dog food' for starving children

Reuters, reports that Kenya has described an offer by a New Zealand company to send powdered dog food to feed starving Kenyan children, as "culturally insulting."

A Kenyan daily newspaper reported the story which appears to have come from a New Zealand newspaper. The Press Online, has an excellent in-depth article on this issue.

The company claims that when mixed with water, the powder would provide sustainable meals. However, it appears the company was unaware of cultural issues - being called a dog is one of the worst insults in Africa where people generally do not keep dogs as pets.

Christine Drummond of the Mighty Mix company, apologised and said she could understand the controversy. For reasons best known to herself, she plans to persevere claiming, "It is definitely not dog food; it's beautiful freeze-dried food."

Related article: Kenya upset by 'dog food' (The Press - Joanna Norris)