Saturday, February 18, 2006

Shipping: Dubai based company causes US lawmakers to get their knickers in a twist

It appears that Dubai based DP World, has some American lawmakers in a bit of a panic.

Earlier this week, DP World, agreed to buy the British port and ferries group Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company for $6.8 billion. The deal allows the company to gain control of six major US facilities - Miami, New York, New Jersey, New Orleans, Philadelphia and Baltimore.

The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) headed by the Treasury Department have approved the deal, but up to seven US lawmakers have called for a top-level government review of the security implications of the deal.

Senator Chuck Schumer, urged Treasury Secretary John Snow to reconsider the government's approval saying, "This United Arab Emirates government-owned and operated company could be perfectly qualified to operate ports around the world, but the question that needs to be answered is whether or not they can be trusted to operate our ports in this post 9-11 world."