Thursday, February 02, 2006

Terrorism: Algerian terror group announces death of its spiritual leader

An Islamic extremist group linked to al-Qaida says that the Algerian army has killed its spiritual leader, Ahmed Abou al-Baraa, whose real name was Ahmed Zarabib. The Salafist Group for Call and Combat, (GSPC) announced the death on its Internet site.

According to the Australian government's National Security department, GSPC was formed by a splinter group of the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) in 1998 -and is a Sunni Islamic extremist group which aims to overthrow the secular government in Algeria. The GSPC has, in pursuing this objective, undertaken murders, bombings, extortion and looting.

The GSPC is currently listed under the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1333 for its association with Osama bin Laden in the context of international efforts to combat threats to security by terrorist acts.

The GSPC continues to engage in planned acts of violence with a view to furthering its political and religious objectives in Algeria, and has issued threats against US and European interests.