Saturday, February 25, 2006

Women's Issues: Pakistan - NGO launches economic empowerment events ahead of Women's Day

The Society for the Advancement of Community, Health, Education and Training (SACHET), has planned a two-week long program of events to promote gender harmony and empowerment through enhanced income generation opportunities for women.

As part of the lead up to International Women's Day on 8 March, the NGO has organised a range of activities including an exhibition of the work of disadvantaged but skilled Pakistani women, as well as a screening of a documentary to highlight violence against women associated with the custom and institution of dowries., reports that Ayesha Javed, head of SACHET's program for "poverty alleviation-cum-income generation" (PACIG), said that to promote women's economic empowerment, "A three-pronged strategy governs SACHET's approach; arranging skill development activities, imparting training on how to conduct business within limited resources and providing a marketing outlet for products."

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