Thursday, February 09, 2006

Women's Issues: Researchers claim breast feeding helps prevent lung disease

Researchers from the University of California Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, USA, claim that exclusive breast feeding for at least the first six months of an infant's life reduces the risk of respiratory tract infections, compared with breastfeeding for shorter durations.

Analysed data from 2277 children between 6 and 24 months of age revealed that the rate of pneumonia in infants breastfed for at least 6 months was 1.6 percent, significantly lower than the 6.5 percent rate seen in infants breastfed for 4 to less than 6 months.

Previously the American Academy of Pediatrics, recommended a 6 months breastfeeding duration for all infants to protect them against gastrointestinal infection. It had been thought that this practice would also protect against respiratory tract infections, but until now there was no data supporting this theory.