Monday, February 20, 2006

Youth: Young lives lost and forever changed

Sometimes it is not easy to write a post without anger, emotion or a sense of loathing towards those responsible for inflicting heartbreaking tragedy upon others - especially when it concerns young people.This is one such post.

At around 9:50 pm Saturday night, the lives of teenagers in a small Australian country town were forever changed. An out of control car, allegedly trying to take a bend at 100 kph, piled into a crowd of young teenage partygoers waiting for a taxi.

That night at a town called Cardross, near Mildura in north-western Victoria, five teenagers were killed and a sixth victim died in hospital in Adelaide last night.

Killed in the crash were brother and sister Shane Hirst, 16, and Abby Hirst, 17, as well as Stevie-Lee Weight, 15, Cassandra Manners, 16, and Cory Dowling, 16. Josephine Calvi, 16, died in Royal Adelaide Hospital last night and two 15-year-old boys remain critically ill.

This is a small, close-knit community. The Sydney Morning Herald describe,. "a spontaneous and profound display of communal suffering: 600 young people and adults gathered outside Mildura Base Hospital before dawn to grieve for five teenagers who died at the scene."

Not only did the driver, Thomas Graham Towle, 34, flee the scene - the bastard abandoned his two children who were in the car. He left his children alone in that unimaginable, horrific nightmare.

A daughter aged ten and a son aged four.

There is a lot I could say, and a lot I can not say for legal reasons. I will leave you to figure out what I am thinking.