It wont be long before Easter is upon us and already I am suffering an overdose of Easter Bunnies.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Easter or even Easter Bunnies for that matter - what has dulled any passion I may have had for Easter, is over exposure.
Take my local supermarket for example. Ever since - wait for it- Dec 27 - they have had a line of chocolate bunnies about 20 metres long on display. Add to that, the assortment of Easter eggs that were put on the shelves at the same time, and I think even the most ardent Easter devotee would have to say "enough is enough".
Mind you, Easter and I have never got on together. I remember being caned in school because of Easter.
Each child was asked to stand in front of the class and give a little speech about Easter. I sat and watched as each little brown-nose did their best to win brownie points from "miss" with such touch-feely sentimentality they could have won The John Lennon Memorial Award For Crass Hypocrisy.
I decided the session needed a little - pizzazz.
I stood up, faced the class and began an emotional narrative of Jesus on the cross; tortured physically and mentally, alone, afraid and betrayed. I had them eating out of my hands. Then came the climax.
"And Jesus looked up at the darkening clouds, and over coming his physical and mental pain, he cried out in anguish to his Father in heaven"
"Next time dad, can we go to the seaside for Easter?"
Some teachers just don't know talent when they see it.
Wherever you may be - be safe!