Jano Gibson, in The Sydney Morning Herald, describes a bizarre incident that began when thieves tried to steal a koala from a zoo, with the idea of swapping it for drugs.
However, the four thieves found out the koala had other ideas and zookeeper Wil Kemp told smh.com.au that the koala "scratched the shit out of them."
Not to be deterred they thieves went for an easier target. A 1.2 metre long freshwater crocodile called, "the girl freshie". They dragged the 40 kilogram and very pissed off reptile over a 2.4. metre security fence.
The final word goes to Kemp.
"I don't know what makes someone go, 'Oh we tried to steal a koala and that didn't work so lets go and steal a croc.'
Full article: Cranky koala meaner than stolen croc