Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney - and farewell Missouri

Goodbye Missouri.

I have never lived in Missouri - I haven't even visited it! but I feel sad to be saying goodbye. Mel, my fiancee is moving, and for three and a half years, I have visited her house every day. I know her living room better than I know my own.

They call Missouri, the "Show Me" state, and it showed me the love of a woman and a best mate.

I threw myself into Missouri, I knew all what was happening in the city where Mel lived, the movers, shakers and wheeler-dealers. I knew the school districts, school administrators, including one dick-head Principal who should never be allowed anywhere near any person under 90. Personally, I would like to have had a quiet word in his ear - the one I hadn't nailed to the floor.

I know all the towns, places of interest. I virtually lived in Missouri, separated only by time and a few thousand miles!

So goodbye Missouri. One day I will visit - we all will. And I will say thank you.

Except to that moronic Principal!

Yesterday I took a day off and went to Sydney's, Darling Harbour. Over the next few days this last post of the day will feature photos form "Mike's Big Day Out". If you like boats, then this will be the blog for you as Darling Harbour features a maritime museum.

If you want to know more about the boat in the photo, clicking to enlarge will enable you to read the sign.

Today's candidate for the "That's a bloody good title" competition is -

The Lovely Mrs. Davis Tells You What to Think

Remember, I select the candidate from blogs I have come across while surfing Blog Explosion during the day.

Wherever you may be - be safe!