This morning temperatures fell as low as -4 centigrade in one of our more popular ski resorts, and in Victoria, 54 schoolkids on a hike had to be rescued after becoming snow-bound.
As you can see by tonight's photograph, even in my neck of the woods, people wrapped themselves up against the cold late afternoon wind.
About the photograph (click for a better photo)
I was doing a bit of shopping late this afternoon when I sat down to enjoy the crisp, end of the day sun. I noticed the girl and her dog sitting in front of me, (a sure sign that I am getting old is the fact that I noticed the little doggy first!) and thought how well they looked together. Both doing their own thing but as one. To coin a phrase from a Dory Previn, song - doing it alone together.
I went over and asked the girl if she minded if I took a photograph of the two of them. For decades I was extremely shy of females and as I asked, I realised how much things had changed!
She asked if I wanted them to do anything, but I said I would prefer to take the photograph as I first saw them. I told her I would return to my bench, and when she had forgotten I was there, I would take the photo.
I showed her the photos' afterwards and we agreed that any of the photos' could be used. Unfortunately, the snaps I took with the zoom lens revealed a little more than my sense of chivalry would allow. After all, this blog is seen by a world-wide audience of three - four if you include Mel!
Wherever you may be - be safe!