Do you see the boatshed - the building on the right hand side of the photo? That boatshed stood for over a hundred years and housed over a million dollars of worth of boats.
I use the past tense because it was recently destroyed by fire. And yep, you guessed it. It was no accident.
When you have stood for over a century, someone or something, can still raise you to the ground.
Today's candidate for the "That's a bloody good title" competition is -
Thread of Heaven
I have to admit to a conflict of interest here! The blog is a Welsh rugby blog, and I am originally from Wales and a rugby fan. The title may not mean much to those in non rugby-playing countries, but to me it is a clever lay on words.
Remember, I select the candidate from blogs I have come across while surfing Blog Explosion during the day.
Wherever you may be - be safe!