Everything of a technical nature that could go wrong today did. I would tell you all about it but Gawd, it's so boring when you read other people's work related problems. Let's be honest, who really gives a toss, everyone has similar problems every day of the week.
So I wont tell you how my news aggregator crashed, my back-up system crashed, MSN IM crashed and bloody Blog Mad took away my credits. Nope, I am not going to tell you about any of that. Nor will I tell you that suddenly every time the ball of my hand rests on the keyboard, things start opening up or closing down.
So you wont hear a word of complaint out of me.
Today's candidate for the "That's a bloody good title" competition is -
A page in a story
Remember, I select the candidate from blogs I have come across while surfing Blog Explosion during the day.
Wherever you may be - be safe!