ISLAMIC schools in Australia have released a sex education document called, "Sex Education Policy: an Islamic Perspective," which is aimed at overturning the influence of Western sexual values on Islamic students.
Under the policy -
* Non-Muslim teachers would be banned from teaching sexual health classes.
* Students would be taught that pre-marital sex and homosexuality were anti-Islamic and therefore prohibited.
The document claims Muslim teenagers are in danger of forming their attitudes to sex from un-Islamic sources such as newspapers, magazines, television and the internet and get the idea that safe sex is O.K.
The policy has been adopted by private schools that are members of the Australian Council for Islamic Education in Schools.Meanwhile, experts in teenage sexual health have warned that the rising rates of sexually transmitted infections among under 25-year-olds, could soon reach levels found in the US.
I have no idea why this is a news story - to me it is not all that different to policies adopted by other religious schools.