After a week off from the normal format, I must admit it is nice to be back in the swing of things. Many thanks to the regulars who stayed with the blog, even though the content was quite different to the issues that bought you to i On Global Trends, in the first place.
Talking about the blog, I need advice.
Up to a few years ago, I was pretty damn cluey when it came to IT and Internet issues. However, I don't know if it's because I have grown older, or if I grew bored, but I am way out of touch.
I am faced with what some may say is an enviable situation. I have to spend money on the blog - financed by an agency I mentioned the other day. Personally, I don't want to. It may not be flashy but it suits my purposes and my comfort level.
However, since I voiced complaints about the lack of assistance provided, they are falling over themselves to help. To decline the offer would not be to my advantage. The deal is, I tell them what I want - they pay for it.
They did suggest "blogging software," but when it comes to such things, I wouldn't know my arse from my elbow. Any suggestions would be gratefully received, (and I don't mean, "Mate, the best thing you can do is ditch the blog altogether") :)
Wherever you may be - be safe!