The best laid plans of mice, men and Australia's "Today" show, oft go awry.
As many of you will know, Australian troops have been sent to East Timor in an attempt to bring calm to the strife torn, newly fledged nation.
This morning, the Australian commander in East Timor, Brigadier Michael Slater, appeared in a live cross from Dili to the Nine Network's Today show. At his shoulder were two heavily armed Aussie soldiers.
Host Jessica Rowe, asked him if Dili was safe, given the presence of armed soldiers at his shoulder. In what must go down as one of my favourite television moments, the Brigadier replied,
"Jessica I feel quite safe, yes, but not because I've got these armed soldiers behind me that were put there by your stage manager here to make it look good. I don't need these guys here."
And people wonder why I am so cynical about populist media!
Wherever you may be - be safe!
(even without armed soldiers put there by stage managers)