This is the blog you have when you are not having a blog! For reasons explained here the normal format has been suspended until May 29
One of the more delightful sights in my suburb is seeing teachers from the local kindy taking the kids for their trip to our child-friendly library. Everyone is charmed by the sight of this procession of ankle-biters as they weave their way through the shopping plaza. Even the most jaded and cynical of people find it hard not to smile. If you take a look at the young woman pushing a pram, (near the Woolworths sign) you will get an idea of what I mean.
They always walk hand in hand and gender issues are not a problem. The kids hold hands with whoever they want. Boys hold hands with girls, girls hold hands with each other, and boys hold hands with other boys.
One thing about this photo does concern me a little. Very few of the children are wearing hats.
Virtually every school in New South Wales, (and I assume in other states as well) have a "No hat, no play," policy to protect against damage from the sun. Yes, we are almost in winter, but the sun's rays don't particularly care what season it is. They are still harmful.
Mel, will tell you about my feeling towards hats.
When Mel came here in Dec 2004, I warned her beforehand that I would make sure she was well protected from the sun. This was particularly important as she was coming from an American winter into the harsh Australian summer.
Mel is not too keen on hats but I told her, "No hat - you don't go outside." Off we went on our first day out - a trip to Manly beach. Mel wore her hat and I wore the cap of her favourite baseball team - the St Louis Cardinals.
All through the day I kept a close eye on Mel to make sure she didn't try and take her hat off in the hope I wouldn't notice. Fare play to Mel, she kept it on through the day. As a result, Mel survived the day without a hint of sunburn.
There was just one small problem. At one stage it was so hot that I was perspiring heavily and removed my cap for about five minutes.
I was sunburnt!
Wherever you may be - be safe!