This is the blog you have when you are not having a blog! For reasons explained here the normal format has been suspended until May 29.
Break-time is over and tomorrow i On Global Trends will revert to it's normal format of bringing you news from places I can't spell and can't pronounce unless I have my false teeth in. Sorry - that should be dentures, unless they have changed it again to be more upmarket.
I don't mind wearing dentures, they have many unknown advantages. I remember years ago a girl in the U.S. wanted me to bite a certain part of her anatomy. Proving that distance is no object I told her, "No problem. I'll put my teeth in the post and you can do it yourself!" One tries one's best to be of service.
Dentures always remind me of a very early episode of Steptoe and Son, (for Americans, think Sanford and Son). Harold bought home 5,000 sets of unused false "choppers," much to the disgust of Albert, his miserable old father, (Mel, think "Mike's Mother). Harold explained that people in Africa would be glad to have cut-price false teeth. "They haven't two pennies to rub together" he explained adding "they're starving."
Unphased, the old man growled, "Well if they're starving - what do they want false teeth for?"
The last I heard, Albert Steptoe had left Shepherd's Bush, covered himself with Kiwi boot polish and is now a successful politician in Zimbabwe.
Today I am guest blogger on Jin's blog, The Devil's Advocate. Later tonight I will be writing a little about Lane Cove, a suburb of Sydney that happens to be where I live.
Some people who read my blog have known me seven years, (Hi Jen, Lorrie!) but I realised they, and other regular readers, know little about the place I call home.
Till tomorrow...
...Wherever you may be - be safe