This is the blog you have when you are not having a blog! For reasons explained here the normal format has been suspended until May 29.
My downstairs neighbour has left the building! Please don't get me wrong, he was a very nice bloke and I liked him - that was the problem. Life would have been easier if he hadn't been. At least then I would have had no problems telling him something I had been dying to tell him for 3 years.
Will you please bloody shut up!
He didn't play loud music, nor did he have his TV blaring away. What he did was talk - loudly.
Every night for the last three years, from just before midnight till around 2am, he would talk on the internet. Who he was talking to I have no idea as he spoke in Indian and I couldn't understand a word - being able to be a sticky-beak would have at least been some compensation.
Not only did he have a loud voice, but for some reason, whenever he talked, he would throw open the French Windows that open from the lounge on to the balcony. My bedroom is just above his balcony. Being a quiet suburb, having someone talk on top of his voice in what was virtually an open air environment, was irritating to say the least.
A few times people from the apartments across the road would resort to Australian tact and diplomacy, and politely call out, "Oi - Gunga Din, shut the fuck up you wanker." but he was so busy talking I doubt if their request registered.
But the person I felt most sorry for was the person he was talking to. The guy never stopped - not even to take breath! It was like listening to a manager dictating a letter for two hours to a deaf secretary.
OK I could have said something, but he really was a nice guy; very friendly and helpful. Buying earplugs eased but not eliminated the problem. Although not totally satisfactory, it allowed me to save my wrath for the many others who are far more deserving recipients than he.
Tonight though - I sleep without earplugs!
Wherever you may be - be safe