This is the blog you have when you are not having a blog! For reasons explained here the normal format has been suspended until May 29.
Readers in the U.S. may be interested to know that Cindy Sheehan is currently in Australia and yesterday spoke at a function in Sydney.
She will also take part in anti-war rallies in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne, which have been sponsored by the Medical Association for the Prevention of War, a group of Australian doctors who have campaigned strongly against our involvement in Iraq.
In New South Wales, she was welcomed by Attorney General, Bob Debus.
Cindy is well known here and in many ways we are more informed about her activities than many Americans - astute readers will know why, the parochialists would never understand, so I wont waste my time explaining.
If you are interested in what she has said so far, here are a couple of links.
* Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan arrives in Australia This is a transcript of an interview with Eleanor Hall, from the ABC.
* Mother's anti-war message for PM
* Remind Howard who's boss, Sheehan urges
* Flawed ideology comes to grief by Piers Ackerman
Quote: "My son was killed in an illegal and immoral war. My country is carpet-bombing innocent civilians, my country is torturing people without due process. We, as members of humanity, need to reach across borders to end this. Australians need to get out on the street and say to John Howard, 'You work for us, not Americans'."
Wherever you may be - be safe!