Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's Photo: Another "Down Our Street" photo. The idea was good, the execution wasn't!

Bugger. I have just realised that although I paid for renewal back in May, my main website is showing "expired". I made that discovery shortly after I was finally able to upload graphics to the blog. Some days I look back longingly at the old days of operating a business!

Not to worry - I am being head hunted. I have the proof too.

"Hello. My name is Dmitry Sergeev and I am the manager of a Human Recourses departament of U.F.I.S. PE (Ukrainian Folk Instruments Sales).

The purpose of this message is to draw Your attention to a vacant position of a financial manager. About us:

We are a Ukrainian company producing specialised hand made Ukrainian folk instruments, such as Trembita, Bandura, Tsymbaly.We have been producing exclusive instruments for collectors from all around the world, for over 15 years now. Some of our clients prefer to receive an instrument with gold strings or inlaid with diamonds and rubies and we take the highest pride in our workmanship.

Now we are a company with 15 years experience. During this time more than 15000 people have purchased high-end items from us."

Gold string hey - now that's what I call class. Seems to me though he has a fixation with the number 15. All I need is the following -

"Our vacancy is opened for you if you are:1. Be able to check your email several times a day 2. Be able to respond to emails immediately 3. Be responsible and hard working 4. Should have personal (or business) checking bank account 5. Age: from 18 till 70 years 6. Located in the territory of the AU 7. Have a skill to communicate and access to the Internet Job Description: Obligation of the manager is to work with the payments of our clients in Australia with daily inspection. It means that you are authorized person to receive payments from our clients in Australia to your bank account and transfer them to us in the fastest way (Western Union or Money Gramm)."

I don't think I will apply for the position but I do have something that may interest the Ukrainian Folk Instruments Sales, company. I will offer to sell them a genuine electric piano that Beethoven used to compose his "12 minutes past six overture" or as uncultured people call it, the 1812 Overture.

Wherever you may be - be safe