For some reason my eye keeps going to the little dog in this photograph. I like dogs but to be honest, that's about as far as it goes. I can take them or leave them. But this one looks so...so...so something!
The original idea behind the photo was the angles, the perspective and the reflections - but that didn't quite work out! So it is back to the dog. Perhaps he is wondering where his mates are - the doggy band of brothers and sisters that wait patiently outside the supermarket while their owners grow old gracefully but impatiently, in the fast check-out queue.
Yes, I did say "fast" - this is Lame Cove - you'll get used to it.
Perhaps he is worried about his future. Maybe he knows that his owner has popped into the fruit shop downstairs where an impatient Chinese woman snatches the money out of your hand before you have time to think. Sadly her abrupt haste does not save time as she stuffs up everything after that.
Perhaps he is worried his owner will buy a kilo of bananas (2.2 pounds). As bananas have now reached $13 a kilo here or up to $2 each if sold singly, keeping a dog may become non cost effective.
Wherever you may be - be safe