Saturday, July 15, 2006

Resources: Dubai's boom threatens water resources

According to a team of UAE University researchers population growth and economic development are threatening Dubai's water resources

The current population of Dubai of around two million, is expected to double by 2020. Tourism is expected to grow to 22 million over the next 10 to 15 years.

Ahmad Ali Abdullah Murad and Hind Al Nuaimi from the department of geology at UAE University's College of Science, conducted the study which said, "The emirate of Dubai is worried about finding sufficient water for each person living in the emirate and has great anxiety about how it will provide a suitable amount of water for its rapidly expanding economic activities."

NetIndia123 reports that a report during the first Middle East Water and Wastewater Management Conference in Dubai in February said the imminent shortage of water resources in the emirate has been compounded by the real estate boom, with new construction projects taking a larger share of resources.