Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Small Business: British management clueless about new age legislation.

A survey carried out by the Employers' Forum on Age (EFA) and British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) reveals that with only 90 days to go before age discrimination laws come into force, most small businesses are clueless regarding the legislation.

Whilst 63% of employers know that new employment laws are coming into force in October, less than one in four knew that these included age discrimination regulations.

*18% of businesses feel that the Government has provided adequate and timely guidance to help small businesses digest the impact of new employment regulations on their businesses
* 35% knew that the default retirement age would be 65

* Only 5% have seen information packs about new employment regulations sent to every organisation in the UK

I am in Australia and I knew about the changes. But then again, I am not British management.