Monday, August 21, 2006

Defense: Georgia claims violation of its air space by Russian helicopters

The Georgian Defence Ministry has reported that Russian military helicopters had violated its air space.

A report by the ministry public relations department said "two Russian helicopters - a MI-8 helicopter with side number 69 and a combat helicopter MI-24 with side number 54 violated Georgian air space at 12:40 pm, Moscow time, on Saturday".

The report further said, "The helicopters flew over the settlements of Khurcha and Anakliya (the Zugdidi region controlled by the Georgian side) and then flew towards the settlement of Sida in the Gali region (controlled by Abkhazia)."

"At 13:13 pm, Moscow time, Georgian air space was once again violated along the same route. Russian helicopters finished flights in the air space of Georgia at 13:40 pm, Moscow time."