Saturday, August 19, 2006

Goodnight from Sydney

Tonight's photo: The second in the series "Homes and Gardens" (explained here) I live just round the bend:)

Now I may not be the world's greatest website or blog designer, but I do try to avoid obvious mistakes - especially errors that could send out very negative messages.

If my job was to design and write content for websites, I would like to think I would be more careful than the designer who created a website for a prominent Sydney plastic surgeon.

The Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal, recently awarded $4278.50 against a Sydney web designer whose taste, grammar and spelling failed to convey the fact that the plastic surgeon's skills advertised on his website "were professional services of some gravity". Below are some examples

"very young children will be scarred of you …"
"scaring is kept to a minimum"

The tribunal's senior member, Richard Phillipps, noted in his decision: "The copy is not, generally, particularly well expressed, even where it is grammatically correct."

Wherever you may be - be safe!